Frequently Asked Questions

Subscribe FAQs

What is the minimum age to join Fitness Time?

What are the subscription charges for Fitness Time gyms?

When is the membership activated after subscribing to Fitness Time?

How can I upgrade the membership to a higher category or to another package?

How do I know the latest Fitness Time offers?

How can I subscribe to Fitness Time?

Is there a daily subscription at Fitness Time?

Can I use all categories in Fitness Time?

Can I buy a Fitness Time subscription and pay through premium programs?

Is it possible to waive a membership subscription?

Can I refund the amount of subscription at Fitness Time within the first 24 hours?

Can I cancel my membership at Fitness Time?

Can I freeze my membership?

Am I required to pay for group exercise sessions?

I require a carer/helper to attend the gym with me due to a medical condition - is this allowed?

Can I try the club before subscribing?

Is it possible to take a tour of the center before joining?

Can I pay in cash or do I need to pay using a bank card?

Does my membership include a swimming pool, sauna, steam, and jacuzzi?

Can I share my fingerprint or personal bracelet with one of my friends?

How can I cancel freezing my membership?

I have made a subscription through the Fitness Time center. How can I sign in to the Fitness Time app?

How do I update my data after changing my mobile number?

I'm pregnant. Can I exercise in Fitness Time centers?

Will Fitness Time save my fingerprint?

How do I download the Fitness Time app?

How do I get the bill for my online payment?

What is the easiest way to get more information about Fitness Time centers?

I've contracted corona, can I stop my subscription? 

What are the terms and conditions in Fitness Time Clubs?


What are the working hours at Fitness Time?

Where is the closest Fitness Time gym?

Am I allowed to bring a guest to a Fitness Time centre?

Can my children wait at the gym while I train?

Who should I talk to in case I encounter a problem with the gym machines?

Should I bring my own towel?

How do I use the lockers?

What happens if I lose something in the changing rooms?

Which of Fitness Time Centers has swimming pools?

What do I do if I hear the sound of a fire alarm?

Is the staff member within the center eligible for emergencies and for first aid?

What are the peak hours at Fitness Time gyms?

How can I ensure that other members aren't too close to me? Is Fitness Time following coronavirus precautions and protocols?

What do I do if I feel unwell?

How can I enter the club?

Is there car parking at the center?

Is a medical examination required before using the swimming pool?

Are there changing rooms and bathrooms in the center?

Do the Fitness Time centers provide water for drinking?

Is there a specific time for using the machines and equipment ?

Can I take pictures inside the gym?

Can I bring my own equipment to the gym?

Should I attend all personal training classes during the subscription period?

Should I use the freezing service during the subscription period?

In case the fitness center is closed temporarily, what should I do?

After three months or more at Fitness Time, can I get a sports certificate?

How deep is the pool in Fitness Time centers?

Are there any centers open 24 hours?

What is the temperature accredited in the Fitness Time centers?

What is the dress code allowed for training in Fitness Time centers?

Personal Training Programs FAQs

Can I train with someone from the same area?

Are there any personal training programs?

I suffer from a health problem, what should I do?

How much is the subscription price with a personal trainer?

Can I make a subscription with your personal trainer through the app?

Do I have to finish the personal training sessions at the set time?

I have never attended a group class before, how will my first class with the coach be like?

Can I take measurements of body fat without a Fitness Time subscription?

Where can I find the schedule for group classes?

Are the Fitness Time trainers working in the morning when the center is open or at night before closing the center?

Can I have a free PT session before buy PT service?

Categories FAQs

What are the categories of Fitness Time?

What are the differences between Fitness Time categories?

I subscribed to the category Fitness, then went on a business trip to an area with only the Pro centres, What should I do?

FT-90 FAQs

What is FT90?

Who is it for?

Who can deliver it?

How does it work?